A tailored approach drawing on five key strengths

Embedded in your team and fully dedicated to the project

Lauren Walker works at national and regional levels with industry, central and local government, community organisations and iwi, bringing in the country’s leading scientists, engineers and technical experts when needed, and often drawing on international research and best practice models.

Lauren embeds herself in the client’s team and brings a singular focus that ensures key players stay engaged and on task. She brings commercial understanding and focus to her work, assessing strategic implications and opportunities and helping senior leaders and boards understand and deal with the difficult questions.

Each of Lauren’s projects is unique, so she tailors her approach to deliver the best possible outcome for the client using one or more of her key strengths.

Key strengths:

Strategic leadership, insight & advice

Rapidly getting to the heart of the issue and translating complex information so that it can be easily understood and digested by senior leaders for timely, pragmatic strategic decision making and action.

Stakeholder engagement & collaboration

Building and leading powerful and enriching multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary collaborations to create innovation, buy-in and collective action.

Project development & management

Strategy & business development

Researching the issues, analysing and weaving together diverse inputs and working with the client to scope, design, drive and manage the project or initiative.

Working with the team to develop strategies, innovative ideas and business development plans to strengthen the organisation and maximise impact.

Advocating for awesome projects and organisations and putting together funding applications and proposals to ‘bottle the goosebumps’ so that potential funders and supporters really ‘get’ their mahi and want to support it.

Funding, advocacy & storytelling

"Lauren has the ability, irrespective of the subject matter, to understand and evaluate a project quickly and clearly. She integrates seamlessly into any organisation she is working with and is diligent, committed and reliable. We have recently embarked on yet another project together and I am sure she will bring the diligence and energy she has always shown when working together."

– Scott Gibbons, CEO, Gibbons Group